Slavery Shall Be Legalized

Ministry Education of Belarus is planning to implement a contract system for students of all forms of studies (paid as well as free of charge). This was announced by the first deputy of Minister of Education, Alaksandar żuk, at the press conference held on May, 25.

The innovation will be attached to the project of a new Higher Education Law. In reality it means the system where every student will be concluding an agreement with a University, where the rights and obligations of the parties will be marked, including student’s obligation to work in a place where he will be directed by the state within the system of compulsory workplacement.     Furthermore, Education Ministry is making a proposition to reinforce the control system of that compulsory work-placement for students who studied within the budget form; the term of it is 2 years according to current rules. But some weeks ago Mr. Lukašenka claimed that a student should work for a state not less than 5 years.

According to Mr. żuk, about 2.6 million rubles is given from a budget to educate one student. But our state never minds that that money is not its private, which His Majesty nobly grants us with, but the taxes of common citizens – students’ parents. At the press-conference A. żuk pointed out: ‘There is a document on work-placement in the country but it is still not implemented in a fixed form. The state spends finances to educate those budget form students, and they should cover it through work-placement’. 

Compulsory work-placement of the Universities’ graduates contradicts with the Belarusian Constitution, where the right of free choice of work and residence for every citizen of Belarus is noted. Thus current work-placement is illegal. When entering a University we do not sign any obligations to work 2 years for the state. But in a new contract system the slavery will be legalized. The authorities suppose us to sing our own verdict on entering.

<P align=right>Translation from Belarusian by Uładzisłau Bełavusau

Mara 00:00, 27/05/2004
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