The Lyceum Has Prepared Graduates in Deep Underground
The team of the teachers of the Lyceum is satisfied with the results of the students. The parents of the lyceum students think that this is not fair that kids have to pass exams each second day. They think it influences kids’ health. The daughter of Sviatlana Haeuskaja is studying in the lyceum.
(Haeuskaja: ) “A year passed after the authorities kicked us out of the Lyceum building. The building is staying abandoned, not used by anyone. The windows are broken, bricks all around… Nobody does anything. Our children lost much health and power in this year and now have to pass exams each second day. Not even every student of the 4th year at Higher Educational Institution can sustain such timetable. We have understood that our authorities do not need our children. They are as if behind the deck of life in this country. I think that none of the officials from the Ministry would let their children study in such way”.
Universities of Poland, Germany, Lithuania, and the Czech Republic are ready to take the graduates of the Lyceum. Each lyceum student can chose the university by himself/herself. Uladzimer Kolas thinks that recognition of the lyceum behind the boarders of the country is the result of hard work of all the team:
(Kolas:) “Despite all attempts to destroy the case of national, independent, democratic, European education we survived. We are together. Those successes our children show while passing exams, those 10s they get show that we have done good job that our level has not lowered. Our Diplomas are recognized in other countries. Our graduates will to Europe to get higher education. It also reflects the support given by the international democratic community to our Lyceum”.
Ambassadors of several countries, famous public figures and journalists have been invited for the Final Ball. The students had prepared interesting concert and presents for the guests. The team of the Lyceum gave certificates of honor to people who contributed to the survival and development of the National Lyceum.
The team of the Lyceum has decided that it will continue to exist under any conditions. Many parents expressed desire to bring there children to the 1st year of the Belarusian Humanities Lyceum. Entrance exams are about to start.